Electric AccuSteam™ Series

Electric AccuSteam™ Table Top Unit with 4″ legs

Product Features:

No other griddle can match the production, consistency, and even temperatures of the AccuSteam™ Griddle. The AccuSteam™ harnesses the science of steam to deliver 100% usable surface area.

Steam by nature is attracted to anything colder than itself, which allows users to place cold or frozen product on the griddle surface with near-instant surface temperature recovery – regardless of food load. This results in even surface temperatures without any hot or cold spots. Combined, these benefits produce consistent product and decreased ticket times during peak periods. The AccuSteam™ Griddle outperforms any griddle on the market and is truly the gold standard in griddle cooking.

Product Features:

  • Surface has near instant heat recovery, regardless of load
  • Griddle surface has even temperature of +/-5˚F
  • Stainless steel surface never warps or cracks
  • Low radiant heat makes kitchen more comfortable
  • Extremely easy to clean – no grill bricks required
  • Very low operating costs due to high energy efficiency
  • Flexpro Accessory System allows for complete customization and flexibility
  • Griddle is heated by self-contained steam chamber and never needs refilling
  • Available in 48”, 36” or 24” width, 24” or 30” depth
  • Available in natural gas, propane or electric

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